Going deep to the source where all began,
through ancient cultures, wisdoms, natural food and a big smile
In recent years I have traveled a lot, discovering new cultures, opening horizons and doors I never imagined existed.
By bringing together ancient oriental wisdoms with contemporary western science I found answers to my curiosities.
My joy in life leads me to meet people, disciplines and ever new visions.
I believe in a long life, in harmony with nature, happy and above all reachable by everyone.
My passion is to transmit all this to you too, a way to discover yourself and the beauty of life.
I cooked with chefs from different parts of the world, attended Ayurvedic cooking courses in india, learned from Macrobiotic cuisine through "La Grande Via" by Dr. Franco Berrino, studied at the Plant Lab healthy cooking school in California, mixed with expert bakers and Italian and German coffee roasters and participated in certified sports and natural nutrition courses.
I was part of the Master of Haute Cuisine in Milan with Chef Simone Salvini and I work constantly in direct contact in the world of food between restaurants and producers.
I learned Yoga in India by attending a course as a teacher at AyurYoga Eco Ashram, learned from the best in the sports and fitness field through Yoga, flexibility, acrobatics, juggling, natural movement in Italy and abroad.
I constantly deepen my knowledge and techniques every day by reading, informing myself and putting it into practice.
If you like what I do and transmit and you want to start a journey together, contact me.
Projects and collaborations are always welcome.